Saturday, January 9, 2010

I love my life!

You know, I've been in a bit of a funk lately, and I have absolutely no reason to be. I am currently not in school, don't have a job, have no major bills to pay, and have a beautiful outlook on life. That's the recipe for a good time, even if it's something simple like a lazy day in front of the fire, hot tea, and a good book. No matter where you are, there is always something pleasant and personal to do, and I happen to be back at my parents' house with a really nice fireplace. I think I'm moving out of this funk that I had quickly moved into, and now I feel like expressing my cheesy disposition on the importance of doing something good for yourself everyday. Maybe it's more like gaining perspective, not getting your panties in a twist at the slightest sign of discomfort, feeling the discomfort for what it is, and moving through it. Michael said it really nicely when he explained the difference between being happy and content. Happy is a momentary feeling whereas content is a steadier state of being; you can be really unhappy after losing your keys but really content with your life all the same (I should know...). I am extremely content with my life and excited to be starting a new life here, despite my current unhappiness... though I wouldn't call it unhappiness so much as something uncomfortable or displeased.
Have I ever said how much I love beer? Not only do I love beer, I love love LOVE Atlanta's beer selection! Going to the beer aisle in Kroger is like being 9 years old and going to Toys R Us with $20. Also, as soon as I get a job, I'm going to order my very own beer brewing equipment and start making my welcome home feel like home again! Maybe I should have a party?

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